Monitoring and Supervision of the Kagitumba-Bugaragara-Gabiro Road (60 km)

Monitoring and Supervision of the Main Works of Rehabilitation and Widening of Kagitumba-Bugaragara-Gabiro Road (60 km) and the Ancillary Works




08/2017 - 02/2021

Project Description

The project for the rehabilitation and widening of Kagitumba-Bugaragara-Kabiro road will support the regional integration and cross border trade with Uganda at Kagitumba.

The project goes in the direction to increase the link between the two sides of the border, as for other projects like the creation of Kagitumba-Manam Hills One Stop Border Post, about to be activated. One single stop will be created where authorities of both countries works together for immigration controls, fastening the transit of people and goods and shortening waiting time for controls and passport procedures.

The project road serves the highly fertile areas of Gatsibo and Nyagatare districts. At regional level, the road is on the Northern Corridor, supporting the regional integration objective of partner states of EAC and Great Lakes Region, especially Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Burundi by connecting to the border post of Mirama Hills (Uganda) and Kagitumba (Rwanda).

Located in the North East of Rwanda, Kagitumba-Bugaragara-Gabiro road (60 km) crosses 2 district: Nyagatare and Gatsibo. It was paved in 1990 and has not been rehabilitated since then.

The road alignment is generally straight except in few areas and the terrain is rolling with some cut sections and several fill zones. The road profile is generally soft and rarely exceeding 7%. Design speed ranges from 60 to 80 km/h, locally can raise up to 100 km/h.

Several cities and minor towns are crossed.

Services Description

Monitoring and supervision of the main works of rehabilitation and widening.