Koulouba-Kati and Bamako-Koulikoro roads

Technical studies concerning rehabilitation works of the Koulouba-Kati (9 km) and Bamako-Koulikoro (57 km) asphalted roads, and as well periodical maintenance of the Koulikoro-Banamba non-asphalted road (90 km)



Name of Client

Ministère des Travaux Publics et des Transports

Financing sources

World Bank


06/1996 - 05/1997

Project Description

Geotechnical, Hydrological, Traffic and Feasibility Study. Environmental impact and final design.
Covering rehabilitation is envisaged for asphalted roads by surface treatment with 3 layers after reconstruction of natural laterite base layer. As for rural roads, the natural laterite road layer is to be rebuilt. Drainage works have been reinforced on all roads.

Services Description

Preliminary and final design.