18 bidges on the Corral Quemado-Oracuza and Ramal-Ingenio-Chachapoyas roads

Basic engineering and supervision of the 18 Marañon-Utcubamba bridges located on the Corral Quemado-Oracuza and Ramal-Ingenio-Chachapoyas roads



Name of Client

Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Vivienda y Construcción

Financing sources

World Bank


06/1995 - 03/2002

Project Description

Project of Transport Rehabilitation. Engineering study and construction works Supervision for 18 bridges (474 km) on the Pedro Ruiz-Chachapoyas road (Road 008B) and on the Corral Quemado-Oracuza road (Road 004N).
The bridges are located along two road axis running along the Utcubamba and Maranon rivers in the Amazonian region. The study included a topographical survey, hydrologic and hydraulic study, a geological-technical study, a study of foundation structures, a detailed preliminary design of structures, the preparation of Tender Dossier and Documents, the Assistance to Administration for Tender checking, Works Management and Supervision.

Services Description

Preliminary and final design, environmental impact study, geognostical survey analysis, geological and geotechnical report, preparation of tender documents, Technical Assistance, Works Control and Supervision.