Emiliano-Romagnolo canal

Supervision of construction works relative to the Emiliano-Romagnolo canal, from the Sillaro stream valley to the Bevano valley, Lots XII, XIII, XIV and XV



Name of Client

Consorzio di Bonifica di Secondo Grado per il Canale Emiliano-Romagnolo

Financing sources

Consorzio di Bonifica di Secondo Grado per il Canale Emiliano-Romagnolo


01/1980 - 01/1983

Project Description

Canal linking the Po river to the Adriatic Sea and aiming at improving the rural development of the whole area.
The canal has a total length of approximately 80 km. The four lots involved have a total length of approximately 40 km and cross different water streams and local roads, among which the Bologna-Ravenna Highway, by the construction of concrete structures. The canal is covered in precast concrete slabs.

Services Description

Works control, supervision and accounting.