Panamericana North and South and Carretera Central

Bid 20/96/MTC/15.03.PERT.01 – Pavement superficial evaluation



Name of Client

Ministerio de Transportes, Comunicaciones, Vivienda y Construcción

Financing sources

BID (Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo)


07/1997 - 10/1998

Project Description

Consultancy services for the execution of pavement surface evaluation studies on the Panamericana North and South and Carretera Central. Panamericana North: km 1.669,19; Panamericana South: km 1.283,59; Carretera Central: Lima-La Oroya-Huanuco km 410,50, in both carriageways for a total of 6.727 km.
Measurement of IRI with ARAN (Automatic Road Analyser) system. ARAN is a system with a high technological content, devised to collect data on the degree of surface decay of the pavement, as well as the measurement of geometric parameters and road superstructure regularity. A microprocessor and some sensors placed on board the vehicle allow the measurement and recording of surface characteristics at a traveling speed ranging from 50 to 90 km/h.
Definition of homogeneous sections, determination of life span or rehabilitation intervention priority; elaboration of interactive database. Execution of Distress (software for degradation evaluation) with VHS system. Definition of maintenance intervention scheduling.

Services Description

Execution of studies for pavement surface evaluation.