Primary urbanization works in Tirana and Valona

Rehabilitation and construction of primary urbanization works in two areas of Tirana and Valona. Drainage and sewage works, urban roads, town lighting.



Name of Client

Ambasciata d'Italia in Albania – Ufficio per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (UTL)

Financing sources

Italian Government


Studio Valle Progettazioni – Italy (member)


10/2002 - 12/2005

Project Description

The intervention area in Tirana is located in “Kombinat Textile”, approximately 5 km from the Town-hall south-westward.
The intervention area in Valona is in the triangle among the “Rruga Adriaric” road (also called Transbalcanic), the “Rruga n. 4” road (called Ferrea road) and the “Rruga Miss Durhan” road.
The works to be designed are: rehabilitation of urban roads, rebuilding of drainage and sewage works, connections to the main networks and realization of tertiary networks, settlement of private connections, realization and/or rehabilitation of footpaths, realization of new road lighting plant, vertical and horizontal signals, preparation of tender documents, works supervision.

Services Description

Preliminary and final design, topographic surveys, geologic/geotechnical surveys, laboratory tests, surveys on existing works, survey and mapping of intercepted interference (aerial and underground), preparation of tender documents for works construction, work supervision.