Balleyara-Filingué road (83 km)

Control and supervision of rehabilitation works of the Balleyara-Filingué (83 km) paved road, Region of Tillabery



Name of Client

Ministry of Finances, National Authorizing Officer EDF

Financing sources



Art & Genie, Niger (membre)


12/2015 - 11/2018

Project Description

The main objective is to support the reconstruction of the road networks in Niger, and in particular of RN 25, between Balleyara and Filingué, in the Tillaberi region, being part of the Western Transafrican Corridor of the UEMOA network, according to priorities established by the Economic and Social Development Program and by the National Transports Strategy. Moreover, the continuity of actions envisaged under 9th and 10th EDF Support Project to Transports Sectorial Program financed by the World Bank is expected to be ensured. This project envisages rehabilitation and upgrading works to paved standards of the RN 25 road, in the Tillaberi region.

The road passes through a region of extensive agro-pastoral production and will have an important impact on economic and social development of the region, thanks to the improvement of technical and traffic safety conditions that will have on the marketing of agricultural production.

Services Description

  • The review of the technical specifications of the existing study relating to earthworks, preparation of sub-base, construction of hydraulic works and culverts, recycling of the base layer, protection of slopes, rehabilitation of intersections , signalling, etc;
  • The control and supervision of works according to administrative-contractual conditions, technical specification and Quality Assurance Plan, and Environmental and Social Management Plan;
  • Control of interventions execution for environmental safeguard;
  • Support to DGGT during works and provisional reception;
  • Technical assistance to Administration during Defects liability period and final reception;
  • Support to Administration for resolution of possible claims.