Dv. Quilmana-Pte. Huamani-Acc. Mircoonda and Panamericana Sud roads

Supervision of the Dv. Quilmana-Pte. Huamani and Pte. Huamani-Acc. Mircoonda sections- Roads  Rehabilitation and Maintenance

Supervision for the rehabilitation and maintenance works of the Panamericana South road, Pucusuna-Cañete highway, in the Dv. Quilmana-Cerro Azul sector (km 120+940 – km 131+800) (10.860 m)



Name of Client

Ministerio de Transportes, Comunicaciones, Vivenda y Construcción

Financing sources

BID (Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo)


H.O.B. Consultores y Ejecutores SA – Peru (40 %) (member)


03/1993 - 02/1995

Project Description

Section: Dv. Quilmana - Puente Huamani (from km. 122,00 to km. 228+050)

Section: Puente Huamani - Access road to Microondas C-4 (km 228+050 to km 347)

Pucusana-Cañete Highway, section Dv. Quilmana-Cerro Azul (km 120+940-131+800) (10.860 m). Widening and rehabilitation of the superstructure and engineering structures along a section of approximately 225 km of the Panamericana South.

Services Description

Work supervision.