Highway Master Plan Study of Jordan

Highway Master Plan Study



Name of Client

Ministry of Public Works & Housing

Financing sources

European Investment Bank


C. Lotti & Associati S.p.A. (Italy) (Leader), Engicon (Jordan) (member)


07/2009 - 11/2011

Project Description

Objectives of the Master Plan

General objectives:

a) Promote economic growth,

b) Reduce poverty and provide social equality,

c) Strengthen sector management,

d) Maximize private sector participation in road financing.

Specific objectives are to make:

i)    A comprehensive database of physical characteristics, condition data relating to the primary and secondary inter-urban road network,

ii)   A diagnostic analysis of existing road conditions, leading to the identification of missing transport links, bottlenecks and the need for other road improvements,

iii)  A socio-economic review to assess transport demand,

iv)  A time-phased list of road projects by priority up to 2030, to form a 20-year road Master Plan,

v)   Accompanying measures to enable the implementation of the Plan.

The study includes 3 components :

Component A: Phase 1 – Diagnostic Review and Road Sector Strategy Development

-       Road Inventory and Condition Survey (carriageway condition, structures condition, geometry, etc.): 2730 km of main roads, of which 1000 km of dual carriageway roads, 1900 km of secondary roads, 2800 km of tertiary roads;

-       Identification of problems linked to road security and definition of guidelines for improvement;

-       Identification of problems linked to environmental impact reduction and definition of guidelines for project realization and management;

-       Traffic and Travel Surveys;

-       Socio-Economic Review;

-       GIS Database and Website Access to Data;

-       Traffic Modelling and Forecasts through the use of VISUUM software;

-       Review of Existing Institutional, Legal and Regulatory and Financing Framework for the Road Sector;

-       Develop Transport and Highway Sector Strategies.

Component B: Phase 2 – Derivation of Highway Master Plan

-       Derive time Phased Master Plans;

-       Identification of projects through multicriteria analysis and their assessment;

-       Implementation of a roads and structures management system (pavement and bridge management system);

-       Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA);

-       Consultation with Stakeholders and Public Awareness;

-       Proposals for Institutional, Legal and Regulatory Reform in the Highway Sector;

-       Highway Master Plan Appraisal.

Component C: Training

-       Training of cadres of the administration for the management and monitoring;

-       Check and adjust the assumptions of the Master Plan: traffic evolution, evolution of roads deterioration, verification of maintenance strategies.

Services Description

Highway Master Plan Study